Installing Linux on Chromebook

In order to install nodejs on a chromebook you must have linux enabled. If you do not have linux enabled on your computer please follow the steps outlined below.

  • On the bottom left, click on the Launch button
  • Type in Settings
  • Click on Settings or press enter to open it
  • On the left panel click on Linux (Beta)
  • Click Turn On
  • Click Install

Note: You can also get to the Settings section by selecting time on the bottom right and clicking on Settings.

Once Linux has been successfully installed, the terminal should open up automatically (if not, navigate to it by searching in the app Launcher). Check for any updates by typing

sudo apt update

Update any packages that need to be upgrated by typing

sudo apt upgrade

Step 2 Install nodejs

You need to install NVM (Node Virtual Manager) before you can install nodejs. Follow the steps listed below.

Install NVM

  • Got to the github repo for NVM
  • Scroll down to the Table of Contents and click on Install and Upgrade Script
  • Copy and paste the cURL command in the terminal, then press enter.

Install nodejs

Note: Depending on when you are reading this, you may need to install a later version of node. As of this example, node 10 will be installed.

  • In the terminal type: nvm i 14

Once all these is done, you should have node and npm installed. Type in node -v to double check.

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